domenica 6 giugno 2021

ERASMUS MUST GO ON! Our virtual exchange (Italy)


Last year the final phase of the Creativity @work project was planned, but unfortunately due to the Covid -19 pandemic it was postponed until the end of this school year.

Due to the impossibility of travelling, it was not possible to host the students from Netherlands, Spain and Germany. For this reason, activities involving a virtual exchange have been planned.

In agreement with the coordinating teachers in the other countries, we decided to run several workshops on the theme of creativity and entrepreneurship. These activities took place online and, in some cases, in presence, depending on the restrictions of the various countries during this new phase of the pandemic.

The schools in each country worked in groups and the pupils in each workshop shared their work with the other countries, with the help of their teachers. The results of these assignments were then discussed from a comparative perspective to try to capture elements of innovation and creativity as well as similarity or difference.

The first assignment was a vlog creation. Students in this workshop learned how to make a vlog showing situations from everyday life (home, school, hobbies, sports) showing different schedules and habits. They also explained how their lives changed after Covid.

Then the vlogs have been collected by us teachers and we sent them to each other and distribute them among the students. After the vision they had to fill in a questionnaire about the vlogs of different students from the other countries expressing differences or similarities.

To stay with the theme of creativity and entrepreneurship, it was decided to make an interview with a creative entrepreneur. Students had to search for creative entrepreneurs in their neighbourhood, create some interview questions about that profession (in their own language), get in touch with the person and make an appointment for an online interview. This was an excellent opportunity for the students to meet people who have created a profession with commitment and by pursuing a goal. They also had the opportunity to ask the entrepreneur about how their work has changed with the pandemic. It was great to see that students were really enthusiastic and motivated, and discovered new ways to express their creativity.

Another important workshop was creative writing. The aim of this activity was to learn how to write a story in a group starting from some inputs given by the teacher, a story that could be appealing and suitable for teenage students.

The Italian students started the first part of the story leaving an open ending, the teachers then shared the first part of the story via email leaving each country the task of writing an alternative ending. In this way pupils had the opportunity to get involved in writing by inventing a story and working in groups. By making and discussing others' proposals, they all built a single story together.

The last assignment was a musical activity called “My confinement”. The outcome of this activity was a story per student written in English, in which students included the titles of different songs to express their mood during the first lockdown.

Again, the aim was to enhance their creativity as they had to use their ability to play with words, expressing feelings and moods by associating them with song titles but also with music.

The results of this work were then shared with the schools in the other countries, and it was decided to pick song titles known to all the students so that they could be understood better.

Certainly, working at a distance was in some ways a disadvantage compared to working in person. The pupils only met each other virtually and there was a lack of direct exchange, which would have made this experience even more meaningful, but the students showed great interest, participation and motivation.

The work presented by the pupils from the other countries aroused curiosity and developed a greater awareness of their own creative abilities.

Now you can see some of our works!

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